7 Reasons You Haven’t Sold a Thing!

Hey there, eComm Rockstars! Happy Sunday to you:)

Wanted to draft up this quick post on today because I know many are struggling with making their first sales on their own platforms or having a hard time sustaining any type of results.

So you’ve created your own online store, made it look pretty, selected a niche, and added all the latest and greatest to build your sales machine. It’s been some months now and still… crickets?

No sales at all! Not even a drizzle. What can you do to fix the problem? The great news is with a few tweaks this is very fixable! I’m here to help!

Here I’m going to uncover 7 reasons why you haven’t sold a single thing in your store! Notepad ready? Let’s go!

1. Spell it Out – Basically, it’s not clear to your visitors what you sell and what you want them to do. You would think this sort of thing is pretty obvious, but for your potential customers, it’s not. Let’s just say a customer lands on your homepage. They should be able to identify within moments of visiting exactly what you offer, what they should do and how to do it. Other than them organically landing on your homepage, you should NEVER link them directly to your homepage. When you do this is confuses visitors, as there are too many options and your bounce rate will be HIGH (the rate in which people bounce/leave your site). If you are providing a link to your online store on social media or elsewhere, be sure to link them to a specific collection or product. This way, they know exactly what you want them to consider buying and how to click and purchase. This should be easy to find, but as you know, this is a microwave done-for-you society. People won’t waste time clicking around your website to figure things out. You must show them and you must be exact.

2. Cluttered Store Design – the colors on your store aren’t appealing and there’s too much going on with the store design. When you visit sites like Amazon & Walmart, the store design is bright, basic and very easy to navigate. The store designs at these BIG stores are planned strategically in order to provide the best user/buyer-experience for customers. They want you to feel the ease of making a pleasant buying decision and not feel bombarded with banners, colors and distractions when shopping. There are plenty of templates online that will guide you with deciding on colors for your website. Check out one of my favorites by kissmetrics HERE.

3. Call to Action – Your call to action button isn’t visible, it’s hard to find, it’s an odd color, too small, etc… People shouldn’t have to search high and low to make a purchase. It should be very easy (at eye level) to buy. If you aren’t being clear that this product is for sale and how they can make a quick buying decision that is within their immediate reach, your looking at loads of visitors leaving your site quickly without much thought.

4. No Plan for Abandoned Carts – Abandoned carts happen. That’s just the way it is. How many times do you visit a new store, look around and decide you just don’t want anything today? Buying is determined most by emotions. The wind could have blew the wrong way today and made someone decide they don’t feel like shopping. It happens. Lots of factors come in that can determine whether or not a particular visitor will pull that trigger and buy. Don’t get too caught up emotionally, just come up with a plan! Make sure that you have an abandoned cart plan in place in the form of email follow-ups. This can be automated using apps or you can follow up manually if needed.

5. Social Proof – There is none. If someone cannot find any proof that others are buying from you, they can’t find a phone number, chat, or contact form on your site… No reviews or social media sites in place… They may not feel comfortable buying. When someone visits your site you want to make sure it’s evident that you are currently serving customers well and doing business. If they think your site is a fly-by-night business that just threw up a dusty site years ago but doesn’t currently have any offerings, they won’t stick around long.

6. Traffic Source – Have you chosen a primary traffic Source and have you committed to it? If it’s Facebook ads, have you set up an ad budget and tested different products and methods? It’s very important to narrow down a source and commit to producing results. Trying to be everywhere all the time can work against you. Take it from me! I talk about the importance of narrowing down and selecting a Traffic Source in my video HERE (if you’re not a member of the free group you’ll have to join before watching).

7. Mindset – you don’t believe you are capable of getting the sales you want into your store and because of that you don’t get them!

[tweetshare tweet=”When you dream, dream big, but make sure you elevate your mind in the process!” username=”ecommcashqueen”]

If any of these tips have helped you be sure to let me know in comments! Set your online store up for success by joining my FREE eComm Facebook Group HERE.

Need someone to hold your hand or looking to strategize and learn eCommerce tricks to aggressively 10x your eComm biz? Join my exclusive Mastermind & Coaching Group HERE.

Need a guide on what to sell? Get my FREE guide HERE.

Until next time!

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