Online Arb Made Easy: Why You Need OA Xray

If you want to up your game in online arbitrage, OA Xray is the bomb!
The name itself defines what it does, an xray for online arbitrage!
How does it work? Easy!
You just download the extension button so that you can access it easily on your Google Chrome browser, and then you go to websites like Amazon or Target and search for products. When you land on the page, just click on the OA Xray button on your browser and then poof! It’ll start filling up with all items on that page.
[tweetshare tweet=”If you want to up your game in online arbitrage, OA Xray is the bomb!” username=”ecommcashqueen”]
Then you will see which products will give you a negative or positive return of investment, who is the lowest FBA seller and you will also see the ranks of the products.
What’s more, is that you get to see the roi (return of investment) percentages for every item and see which products have the best deals which can be turned into great profit.
The tool isn’t for free, but once you learn it’s value it will level your game up as a product sourcer and turn your time into profits! If you’re still unsure, you can give it a try first. They offer a 7-day trial and you can check it out HERE.
For a more detailed tutorial on how to use OA Xray, watch my video below.
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Until next time,