Why Embracing Challenges Over an Easy Life Transforms You

Life can be tough, and sometimes it feels like we are constantly facing one challenge after another. If you’ve been going through a rough patch, I want to share these five reminders with you to help you through this time. Embracing challenges over an easy life can truly transform you.
1. Embracing The Challenges: Life Was Never Promised to Be Easy
We were never promised that life would be easy. God never told us that we would have a smooth journey without any bumps along the way. Instead, we were given the tools we needed to overcome tough times. Life is a series of lessons, and sometimes those lessons are hard. If you’re going through a difficult season, hang in there and remember that embracing these challenges is part of the growth process.
2. Stop Resisting Hard Times
When you face hard times, it’s natural to want to resist them. You might try different things to uplift yourself—listening to music, praying, or taking walks in nature. But sometimes, despite all these efforts, it still feels like a cloud is hanging over your head. In these moments, try to accept where you are. Trust that God has a plan, and know that this tough time will pass. When you stop resisting, the clouds often lift, and the sun shines again.
3. Focus on What You Want, Not What You Don’t Want
What you focus on, you attract. If you constantly think about how hard life is, it can become even harder. Instead, try to focus on what you want in life. It’s not always easy, and it’s something I’m still working on, but it’s important. If you’re a kingdom entrepreneur, keep God at the center of your decisions and focus on the positive outcomes you desire.
4. Choose to Do Hard Things
One thing no one can take away from you is your power to choose. When life gets tough, choose to do the hard things. There will always be challenges, and sometimes life throws you curveballs. Learn how to handle them like a pro. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Pick your poison.” Whether it’s choosing a healthy lifestyle or taking medication for health issues, you’re always picking and choosing your challenges. Embrace the challenges and get on with it.
5. Embrace the Lesson
Instead of asking, “Why me?” ask, “What’s the lesson?” When you prepare for more in your life, ask, “Why not me?” Don’t be a block to the blessings God is ready to bring into your life. Prepare for them by embracing the lessons in every challenge. Each hard time is an opportunity to grow and become stronger.
Watch the video on this topic here:
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